Let's talk finances, Juunoco Studio's first quarterly

Let’s Take a look at that Excel Spreadsheet

Dreams are frequently broken and many ideas are ‘rediscussed’ when money enters the picture. Recently I decided to re-evaluate and take a look in our books


From the time we registered Juunoco Studio back in April and made the logo until the middle of August, we’ve had approximately $1.71 in revenue. This is revenue from our friends downloading and playing Portions, and Dado. But apart from that, we’re stumped.

We spent six months making Portions, which approximates to $3000 if we pay ourselves minimum wage. While making it, it was basically part time work. And making back meager portions of $2.00 is not cutting it. Therefore, we would actually make more money in a casino playing poker than sitting here and doing this.

What’s wrong

To fix this issue, we wanted to go to a marketing executive in a high building who would swipe his hand and solve all of our problems, but he didn’t exist, so we went for the next best option, discussions.

Why do people not play the games? Is it because they’re not visible in the market? Or is it because they’re not veyr enticing, or is the entrance art not good enough.

What’s good

WHen we showcase it, people love the game, they want to play more and say they will download it. That’s what maeks us think the game is good and worth promoting. Maybe it’s just the tutoria is hard to get into.

Cheers, gieoon

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